Placówka działa całodobowo
Dla osób w pobycie dziennym
700 – 1700
800 – 1600

81-578 Gdynia
ul. Wiczlińska 40A


In January 2019, the Senior Life House opens its business. The preparations go very fast, but in the meantime (September 21, on Friday) together with the Foundation “Let’s be together” and the Primary School No. 48 in Gdynia, we implemented an integration project under the slogan “Senior’s Day”. Many attractions awaited the participants, including: – cooking workshop conducted by Ewelina Brodnicka – culinary blogger, journalist and traveler ( Ewelina Brodnicka), – vocal performance of children from Primary School No. 48 “Colorful Nutki”, – performance by Marcin Spenner – one of the most interesting male voices of the young generation. The acoustic guitar was accompanied by Piotr Łukaszewski – guitarist, music producer, co-composer of Marcin’s upcoming album, – safety training, dedicated to Seniors led by a policeman from the local Headquarters, – sweet snacks. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the photo-relation in our gallery!


  • * Pola obowiązkowe. Prosimy o wypełnienie.
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