
Placówka działa całodobowo
Dla osób w pobycie dziennym
700 – 1700
800 – 1600

81-578 Gdynia
ul. Wiczlińska 40A

Information – opening

By the decision of the Governor of Pomorskie on 24 July 2019, the Senior Life House was granted a permit to run a business in the area of ​​running a facility providing round-the-clock care for people with disabilities, chronically ill or elderly people. All other documents and permits have already been received by us. We can proudly announce that on August 5, the door to the Seniors Life Home will be opened and the first residents will cross its thresholds.



  • * Pola obowiązkowe. Prosimy o wypełnienie.
    Z uwagi na wejście nowych przepisów o ochronie danych osobowych, przygotowaliśmy informator o realizowanej polityce prywatności, który znajdziesz tutaj.
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