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21 march first day of spring

It is today!

First day of spring!

At school, we learned that spring begins on March 21st. However, it is a calendar spring date, because for many people spring is associated with blooming plant buds or with gardening.

How do we celebrate the First Day of Spring at the Life Retirement Home? We drown Marzanna!

Melting Marzanna is one of the few Old Slavonic rites that is still cultivated today. According to folk tales, Marzanna is a Slavic goddess who symbolized crop failure. When nature died out after autumn, it was believed that it was Marzanna – hence it was identified with winter. According to folk beliefs, the death of Marzanna meant the awakening of nature to life, and therefore the beginning of spring!

Summing up, spring is the time of the year that gives us hope and a willingness to live, and the first rays of the sun give us joy and energy!

And we wish you this energy throughout the year, starting today!

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