Placówka działa całodobowo
Dla osób w pobycie dziennym
700 – 1700
800 – 1600

81-578 Gdynia
ul. Wiczlińska 40A


Recently our hosue was visited by wonderful ladies and their dogs from the Dogtor Foundation. Dog therapy classes are run by a team of qualified dog therapists and dogs specially prepared for such work. There were two dogs  Bazyl – Border Collie and Nela – Golden Retriever. Agnieszka and Mirka  looked after the dogs. I think we all know how wonderful these animals are and how much joy they bring to every home. Their positive energy definitely contributed to our seniors. During the classes there was a lot of smile, fun and cuddling. Tricks were also shown … it’s hard to believe how clever these animals are. Certainly this is not our last meeting.


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